- Transcripts (2024)

Week Of Potentially Dramatic Weather In America; Mystery Lights Up The Night Sky; Toy Store Owner Discusses Supply Uncertainty. Aired 4-4:10a ET

Aired October 25, 2021 - 04:00:00 ET


CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: As the last full week of October gets started, so does another 10 minutes installment of our show. I`m Carl Azuz, happy to

see you this Monday. It has been said that the United States has the most violent weather in the world, and while they may not all be destructive,

some pretty significant weather events are expected across the country this week.

We`ll go from west to east. First, rapidly dropping pressure and a river of precipitation were expected for the start of the week in California. You

might think that this would be good news for areas recently scorched by wildfires. However --

DEREK VAN DAM, CNN WEATHER ANCHOR: What`s unique about this is it`s pulling in moisture from the Pacific Ocean from an atmospheric river, and that is

going to translate to very heavy rain and very heavy snowfall across the mountainous regions. Future forecast radar lighting up like a Christmas

tree with plenty of precipitation taking place, but a particular danger is the debris flows from the recent burn scars from across the region.

Take Santa Barbara County for instance, the Alisal burn scar actually under a mandatory evacuation, where that means there is a direct threat to life

and property within that area. Because simply, the ground cannot handle that amount of rain, considering that we`ve got a scorched Earth and with

that mountainous terrain across the region means debris flows are possible.

By the way, debris flows can pick up rocks, mud, trees and they travel anywhere from 30 to 50 miles per hour. So they can cause significant

damage. So you`ll want to heed evacuation warnings in your community if you do have them.

AZUZ: Moving inland over the Sierra Nevada and Cascade Mountain ranges, this atmospheric river was expected to dump feet of snow on Sunday and

Monday. Weather officials say that that could lead to road closures, with driving conditions expected to be impossible anyway, and over the central

part of the U.S. as a cold front from the north bulldozes into warmer, humid air.

Officials say severe weather was possible early this week in Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana and Missouri. That include everything from damaging winds

and hail to tornadoes. The front will drag down temperatures at it moves east, and meteorologists say if strong northeasterly winds develop over the

American northeast, the type of storm called a Nor`easter is possible.

They`re not sure yet if this will happen, but they said on Sunday that some computer models were showing potential for coastal flooding and as much as

half a foot of rain for New England, that could take place about mid-week. Everything weather related would coincide with peak Fall foliage season in

the U.S. CNN 10 Contributor Tyler Mauldin explains why the leaves change color.


TYLER MAULDIN, CNN 10 CONTRIBUTOR: This is the best time of the year Carl, cooler temperatures, the holidays, pumpkin spice everything and oh yes,

Fall colors. But why do the leaves change color? To understand why, think back to photosynthesis and chlorophyll. Photosynthesis is the process by

which plants or trees create their own energy through sunlight, water and carbon dioxide.

Chlorophyll is a key component of this process and is the reason leaves have a green color. Photosynthesis comes to a halt as the amount of

daylight shortens during Fall, telling the tree to shutdown for winter. The chlorophyll breaks down when this happens. The colors that come next depend

on the temperature and the amount of rain received.

Days that are sunny and warm but not too not, and nights that are cool but not freezing are ideal for vibrant colors. The cherry on top is a mild

drought at the onset of Fall, after having a great growing season. If these factors aren`t spot on, the colors will be duller. If the temperature and

drought are too extreme, the leaves could possibly just turn brown and fall off before ever changing color.

We typically see Fall color at its best in the mountains and northern states in the month of October. It slowly makes it way south, and southern

states see their peak color throughout November. Fingers crossed Carl, this is a great Fall color season for you and your Instagram.

AZUZ: 10 Second Trivia. What was the name of the historic satellite launched in 1957? Mir, Apollo, Mercury or Sputnik. The first object people

ever put into space was named Sputnik 1.



AZUZ: Quote, "there is going to be a major shortage of toy products this year." That`s what the CEO of a large toy company told CNN in August and

problems with the international supply of goods have gotten worse since then. Toy executives say Americans need to do their Christmas and holiday

shopping early and to be prepared for higher prices.

One big factor in this, is that only 15 percent of the toys sold in America are actually made in America. Companies and stores depend on shipping to

stock their shelves, and with multiple disruptions in the supply chain, planning for the shopping season is an uncertain process at best.


CLARE SEBASTIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Staff at this New York City toy store had no idea they`d be getting this delivery of books and toys today, or

that all of the orders would be incomplete.

(CHRISTINA CLARK), TOY STORE OWNER: We`re placing orders everyday, constantly, as many as we can think of. One of my bigger companies, I

ordered a huge order in February and it just shipped a couple weeks ago. So its so hard to determine when and if things are going to come.

SEBASTIAN: The enticing displays here mask an unprecedented inventory problem. Many items running out.

(CLARK): I have three of these. There`s no more downstairs. I have three of these. There`s no more downstairs.

SEBASTIAN: Others in oversupply.

(CLARK): I`ve got about 20 times that in my basem*nt.

SEBASTIAN: And behind the scenes --

(CLARK): This is what my very messy office looks like with shipping out to be done, and shipping in to process.

SEBASTIAN: Christina Clark (ph) says that she was warned by suppliers to stockpile ahead of the holidays. 85 percent of all toys sold in the U.S.

are imported according to the Toy Association. And right now the ships that carry the mostly from Asia, are stuck in a giant maritime traffic jam. The

result of surging demand as economy`s recover and ongoing COVID related disruptions. Well it`s not just a shipping crisis affecting the toy supply

chain, there`s also port congestion piling on, and a shortage of truck drivers to get them to their destination.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That combination of online shopping, COVID shutdowns, resupplying things that were out of stock, and the holidays together have

all combined into what, you know, really is a crisis of shipping and a crisis of consumer products.

SEBASTIAN: And it`s sending costs skyrocketing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The average shipping container has gone from somewhere right around $3,000 to around $24,000 on the Stock Market.

SEBASTIAN: Christina Clark (ph) says many of her suppliers have raised prices twice this year, and some are now tacking on a shipping surcharge.

Most of which she isn`t passing on to her customers. Financially, how is this affecting you?

(CLARK): I just have a lot of debt. I have a huge amount of debt and -- and hope. Hope that it will be covered.

SEBASTIAN: Her message to customers, start your holiday shopping now. This will not be over by Christmas. Clare Sebastian, CNN, New York.


AZUZ: Near a Spanish territory that borders the nation of Morocco, fishermen recently hauled in this. A massive sunfish that had gotten

tangled in fishing nets. Before setting it free, they measured it at 10 and a half feet long and nine and a half feet wide, and scientists estimate it

weighs around 4,400 pounds. They couldn`t find out for sure because the scale on the fishing boat was in danger of breaking. Sunfish are believed

to be the largest bony fish on the planet, but there`s a lot that scientists just don`t know about them.

So would you say that was a "fish" story? That the fishermen were just "fishing" for attention to "hook, catch and free" into an "ocean" of

wonder? That`s not what they`re all "a trout" and the "grouper" of pictures prove that they`re in the "swim" and making "waves".

The only thing "fishy" about it was that it was a thin chance for us to leave you "awash" in a "sea" of puns. Despite the fish, today`s show is for

the birds. The Ricebirds. That`s the mascot of Stuttgart High School in Stuttgart, Arkansas. We`re glad you "Arkansaw" today`s show and we hope to

see everyone again tomorrow. I`m Carl Azuz.

END - Transcripts (2024)


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