Wisconsin Volleyball photo leak scandal explained as internet admonishes circulation amid police inv (2025)

Explicit locker room photos of the University of Wisconsin women's volleyball team members were leaked earlier this week. The photos were taken after the team won the 2022 Big 10 Championship.

The 2021 UW women's volleyball team (image via uwbadgers.com)

The internet has backed the team's student-athletes by claiming that no pictures should be posted online without the consent of those in it and that those who share the images are also equally at fault.

University of Wisconsin stands by their students

The students called the University Police Department immediately after being made aware of the images. The photographs have since been removed from the website they were first posted on.

The UW athletic department issued a statement highlighting their awareness of the issue while standing up for their student-athletes and admonishing those who shared the pictures without their consent. The statement called the action a "significant and wrongful invasion of the students' privacy."

They have also stated that the police department will not investigate the students for any wrongdoing and will provide them with the necessary services and resources.

The statement did not provide any information about the contents of the leaked images, but the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal received some photos from a source claiming them to be the images in question.

Netizens appalled by leaked pictures of student-atheletes

Following the statement issued by the athletic department, netizens stood in solidarity with the Wisconsin Badgers' Volleyball team.

Twitter is flooded with criticism against those who shared the images online and complimented the university's athletic department for standing up for their students who have become victims of a crime.

They also admonished those who blame young women for taking the said videos in the first place. @DLock4MVP said that taking pictures of videos of an explicit nature does not mean one consents to it being public.

Twitter stands in solidarity with UW volleyball team 1/2(image via Twitter)
Twitter stands in solidarity with UW volleyball team 2/2(image via Twitter)

UW Police Department investigating the matter; Coach in full support of the students

The women's volleyball team at the University of Wisconsin has been at the forefront ever since Kelly Sheffield took his position as head coach in 2017. Under his guidance, the team has become the UW athletic department's most successful program.

They have played in the last three Final Fours and have made it to the finals three times in the last decade. They currently rank No. 5 in the nation.

Coach Kelly did not wish to comment beyond the university-issued statement but said that he is in full support of the students and will not take any disciplinary action against them.

University of Wisconsin Police Department representative Marc Lovicott confirmed that the agency is investigating the issue but could not share any more information as the case is still open and active.

Should anyone have any information that could further the investigation, they can call the UWPD dispatch center at 608-264-2677.

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Wisconsin Volleyball photo leak scandal explained as internet admonishes circulation amid police inv (1) Wisconsin Volleyball photo leak scandal explained as internet admonishes circulation amid police inv (2)

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Wisconsin Volleyball photo leak scandal explained as internet admonishes circulation amid police inv (2025)
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