Change Log and Release Notes | Boneyard Creations (2024)

The goal of the “Listonomicon” is to be an out-of-the-box experience that enhances Baldurs Gate 3’s UI, quality of life, features, gameplay, and challenge.

View included, rejected, and under review mods for Listo here!

That's right baby, 1.0. We did it, Reddit!

Save safe: Extremely no.

Note: With Expansion 13-20 replacing my own custom XP curve mods, the amount of XP needed to level up is now able to be edited via MCM. While this may seem tempting, please note that editing XP requirements mid-playthrough is liable to break the leveling system completely. If you wish to customize XP, you should make your edits via the config file outside of the game, or make your edits in-game with the MCM on a sacrificial save. THEN START A NEW GAME with your XP curve active. If you do not hit level 3 after fighting the tutorial imps, you probably did you follow install instruction #5 and apply (or update) mod settings.

Compared to the previous version of Listo, about 17k XP was removed from the total journey of level 1-20 making it much more possible to reach level 20 in Listonomicon without chasing optimal max XP gains on every quest/encounter (eg choosing peaceful solutions to quests and thus not getting XP for people you would have killed otherwise, shouldn't lock you out of level 20).

  1. ADDED an optional mods section. Please read notes on the new website or the old Listo Mod Identification excel sheet for instructions on how to enable and use these. Those of you seeking more of a challenge in Listonomicon, rejoice! Those of you who like summoner gameplay but don't want to micro manage all of your summons, rejoice! Those of you who want to have every character in your party during cutscenes, but not during combat, rejoice!
  2. ADDED Fix Wall of Fire (which also fixes Wall of Ice), allowing the spell to inherit save DC and damage benefits from the elemental adept feat.
  3. ADDED Megamagic Extended, giving sorcerers a few more options.
  4. ADDED Favored Soul, for divine sorcery.
  5. ADDED College of Eloquence.
  6. ADDED College of Creation.
  7. ADDED Way of the Ascendant.
  8. ADDED Oath of Zeal.
  9. ADDED Shields Revised, changing the features of a small number of magic shields.
  10. ADDED Combat Console Commands. While this is not expected to be used by players, it builds a final brute force option in for fights that are bugged out or causing crashes.
  11. ADDED Sword of the Emperor, so your dream visitor's big reward isn't so bloody lame.
  12. ADDED Better End Game Caster, which improves Robe of the Weave to be better.
  13. ADDED Arcanist Feat. While this may appear niche to many players, it opens a limited caster utility option to all characters.
  14. ADDED Permanent Weapon Bond, allowing Eldritch Knight weapon bonds to persist through long rests.
  15. ADDED Event Auto Save, which will now initiate autosaves when entering the camp, taking short rests, or trading with merchants (you can enable more options in the MCM).
  16. ADDED Circle of Spore Druid Damage Choices and Spore Druid Extra Attack. This means Spore druids are no longer locked to necromancy damage, and gain one extra attack at level 5, overall creating a much more compelling option.
  17. ADDED Spells Enhanced - Shillelagh.
  18. ADDED Heart of Enver Gortash. If you are Durge you will find out what this means.
  19. ADDED Path of the Ancestral Guardian.
  20. ADDED Illithid Powers Overhaul 2.
  21. ADDED Orin's True Bossfight, turning into a 2-phase encounter during Dark Urge playthroughs.
  22. ADDED Warlock Spell List Fixer, improving modded subclass access to spells from mods.
  23. ADDED Valkrana's Undead Encounters, and its prequisites. This adds more undead encounters to Act 1, 2, and 3; and greatly expands the variety of summonable undead.
  24. ADDED Reduce NPC Banter Repetiveness. This is configured to allow NPCs to repeat themselves, but now they will wait much, much longer to do so. You don't have to listen to Jaheria's racist remarks about tiefling children every 5 seconds, or hear the mages outside Lorakan's tower spam their party tricks over and over again. You can further tweak this in the MCM.
  25. ADDED pickpocketing tweaks, making pickpocketing gold and heavy objects more difficult.
  26. ADDED Relative Ability Boost Items. This changes many "set stat to x" items to instead be "increase stat +x" items. This decreases how much stat dumping is possible in Listo, but it also increases the ability to exceed 20 in more stats.
  27. ADDED NPC Visual Overhaul for Aylin, Cazador, and the Druids (yes I know Aaron comes out looking weird and the changes to Kagha might be controversial - give us feedback).
  28. ADDED Poesielibre's Fair Eye Colors.
  29. ADDED Myky's Heads.
  30. ADDED Vlaakith's Chosen.
  31. ADDED Wayward Faces.
  32. ADDED Half Orc Heads.
  33. ADDED Kirby's Hair Pack.
  34. ADDED Pretty Boys.
  35. OPTIONAL MODS: Absolute Wrath, Valkrana's Skeletal Challenge, Sit This One Out 2, Enemy Stats (enabled in Listo by default with features turned off), Smarter AI, Exhaustion, Automated Summons, PF2e Spells, Randomized Equipment Loot, Intelligent Warlock, Loot From Chasms.
  36. REMOVED Scars and Horror Head Presets.
  37. REMOVED Death Domain Cleric.
  38. REMOVED Waypoint Inside Emerald Grove.
  39. REMOVED Fast 3 Quick 20, Fast 3 Quick 6 Slow 20, and any other XP mods. Expansion now does this.
  40. REMOVED More Soul Coins.
  41. REMOVED Valdacil's Half-Illithid Effect Toggle.
  42. REMOVED Achievement Enabler (Script Extender handles this).
  43. REMOVED Medusae's Hairs.
  44. REMOVED Lydia's Heads - Dark Seldarine.
  45. REMOVED Medusae's Muses.
  46. REMOVED Alt M Half-Elf Head 2.
  47. REMOVED REn's Hair Pack.
  48. REMOVED Tepkunset Hair Collection.
  49. REMOVED Long Hairs.
  50. REMOVED P4 NPC and Outfit Inspired Dyes.
  51. REMOVED Maratini's Compendium of Countenances.
  52. REMOVED Extra Game Hairs.
  53. REMOVED Bigger Vanilla Hairs.
  54. REMOVED Faces of Faerun.
  55. REMOVED Yves Hairs.
  56. REMOVED Misc Mods.
  57. REMOVED Elgoth's head and Hair and Scars.
  58. REMOVED Party Limit Begone (now handled by Configurable Party Limit via MCM).
  59. REMOVED Purchaseable Camp Clothes (camp clothes for sale with Withers).
  60. REMOVED JWL Crafting Framework.
  61. REMOVED Sussur Weapons Expanded.
  62. REMOVED Soul Smithing.
  63. REMOVED Thrown and Unarmed Reckless Attack.
  64. RREMOVED Better Hex Icons (redundant with Valdacil's mods).
  65. REMOVED patches and prequisites related to other removed mods.

Fixing StragglersSave safe? Kinda from v0.9.9.9

  1. ADDED Grove and Growl Act 1 and 2, adding druid-focused gear to the game.
  2. ADDED Necromancy of Thay rebalance, making the book more than just a convenient way to get speak to dead.
  3. ADDED Corrosive Ring, a new ring for spicier weapon attacks.
  4. ADDED Unholy Oathbreakers, allowing Oathbreakers to better buff their own undead adn dish necrotic damage.
  5. ADDED Fix Stragglers, which helps your entire party with a temporary jump height buff after you jump, to help them keep up!
  6. ADDED Waiting With Style, adding act-sensitive new loading screens.
  7. ADDED Gear Revised - Footwear. Replaces the effects of many footwear items with less lame ones, hopefully without going as far as the old VEO did.
  8. Automated Summons. This breaks Listo's "don't flood the UI with an annoying # of toggle abilities" but I promise this one is worth it - allow your summons to be AI controlled, vastly simplifying combat for players who love Scratch + the new Thay undead + the old Thay undead + summon undead + summon elemental + summon etc etc etc. :)
  9. ADDED 5e Reckless Attack, which changes reckless attack to a toggle passive for barbarians. You have to dedicate to using it, you don't get to swing, miss, and then invoke it.
  10. ADDED Rat-Catcher's Flute.
  11. ADDED Relative Ability Boost Items. This vastly cuts down on the number of magic items that set the owner's stat to a certain number, and changes them to instead be +X stat items. This hopefully fixes some stat dumping cheese, while also opening new avenues for players to reach over 20 in their stats.
  12. ADDED Wayward Faces.
  13. ADDED Half Orc Heads.
  14. ADDED Kirby's Hair Pack.
  15. ADDED Pretty Boys.
  16. ADDED Scars and Horror Head Presets.
  17. TWEAKED mod settings, especially as some mods have updated to use MCM instead of their old config system. Make sure to update your mod settings when you update Listo!

The QoL also No More Scaling UpdateSave safe? Yes from v0.9.9.8

  1. ADDED Poesielibre's Githyanki Head Trio, adding more Gith head options.
  2. ADDED Lydia's Heads - Dark Seldarine, adding more elf head options.
  3. ADDED Understated, adding more realistic eye options or hint-of-glow/fantasy but realistic eye options.
  4. ADDED Astralities' Wondrous Skintones, providing even more skin color options.
  5. ADDED Reforged Head, adding more male draongborn head options.
  6. ADDED Elixers Revised. Note that this makes a lot of tweaks to how all elixers / "until long rest" potions work, making some of them less useless.
  7. ADDED Speak With Animals AoE. SWA is now an AoE spell, allowing you to share it with your entire party at once.
  8. ADDED Longstrider AoE. Longstrider is now an AoE spell, allowing you to hit your entire party at once after a long rest.
  9. UPDATED several mods.
  10. CHANGED Combat Extender, again.
  • Removed the "enemies scale to the player's level" part of the code.
  • Tweaked enemy stats accordingly. Enemies will receive buffs to their HP based on the player's level according to my testing, but their buffs to everything else (rolls, dice, stats) will rely on their vanilla level rather than scaling to you and then calculating.
  1. ADDED an optional section. If you feel strongly that leveling up faster is more fun, enable Fast 3 Quick 20 - Faster XP (and then make sure to disable Fast 3 Quick 6 Slow 20). The actual mod .pak name is the same so you do not have to touch anything in BG3MM.
  2. REMOVED Valdacil's buff hider mod. Positive buffs (including "lasts until long rest" ones) will appear next to your party member icons again.

The [Witty Title] UpdateSave safe? No. No. No. Absolutely not.

  1. REPLACED the XP/level curve. Previously, Listo required aboutt 306k total XP to reach level 20, it now requires 401k total XP. The bulk of increased XP requirements are in the second half, meaning that you should still be level 3 at the end of the tutorial; you should reach level 6 relatively quickly as you knock out early Act 1 content; the progression will be more vanilla-like around level 10; and then it will be noticeably slower on the way to level 20. For comparison, vanilla BG3 would theoretically require about 360K to reach level 20, but because of AEE adding more encounters, and CX making encounters scale to the players level (including increased XP rewards), it is still possible to reach level 20 by the end of the game. The goal is not to move level 20 out of reach; the goal is to reduce the rate at which players are exploring the Gith Creche and already level 12+. Feedback/playtesting, as always, is needed.
  2. ADDED Death Domain as a Cleric class.
  3. ADDED Durge's Managed Head. This mod is a new base for dragonborn, enabling cosmetics for this previously underserved race. No new female dragonborn options yet :( but making progress.
  4. ADDED Crystal Crowns, which adds more crest and horn options to Durge's Managed Head.
  5. ADDED Missing Gods, more heads for vanilla races.
  6. ADDED Indoct's Subtle Piercings.
  7. ADDED Heir of Thunder for a sweet rockin' hairdo.
  8. ADDED Astralities Fluffy Ears, for you degenerates.
  9. ADDED Fantastical Stylist. This patch brings various cosmetic hair mods to many of the races from Fantastical Multiverse, such as Firbolgs. The options for these races is still far smaller than vanilla races, but it's nice to see them granted more options!
  10. REMOVED Vanilla Equipment Overhaul, something that I have mixed feelings about. Some of the items added/changed were really nice, some ranged the gamut from unbalanced to actually non-functional. This means the selection of good magic items will be smaller, as many old Gale Food items are now squarely back in the Gale Food category, but do not forget about JWL Soul Smithing as a way to improve the magic weapons that are still viable.
  11. REMOVED Unlock Level Curve. This is something I should have done many updates ago, as ULC and Expansion 13-20 are two mods that do the same thing and have both been in Listo for a while now. I don't know if particular conflicts between the two mods is/was responsible for situations players were running into where they were stuck at the level up screen, or if that was an issue that a recent ImprovedUI Assets update fixed, either way I hope it's gone.
  12. REMOVED various patches related to VEO and ULC that are no longer necessary.
  13. UPDATED a ton of mods.
  14. FIXED (hopefully) the distribution of the BG3MM .json and mod settings files and did not uber-goof that stuff again.
  15. TWEAKED Combat Extender further. Regard changes in the Listo instructions document regarded recommended party size, which is now 4 in Act 1; 5 in Act 2; and 6 in Act 3 (the old recommendation was 6 in all acts). Enemies have been made tougher again, in line with or above the CX "Harder Enemies and Bosses" config, in addition to various direct edits made to many Act 1 and some Act 2/3 bosses and encounters. I hope that, combined with the changes to XP, players feel challenged to consider their equipment, options, class features, and game mechanics with more critical thinking that ever before in BG3; but no one feels punished by an anti-fun, overly difficult, slow and excruciating experience. There is no shame in making the game easier for yourself by using more party members (why not bring the whole camp when fighting an entire goblin army?), the game is in your hands and Listonomicon wants to empower YOUR fun. Change stuff, turn mods off, add new ones, make the game even harder if you want to, just make sure when providing feedback and reporting bugs that you let us know what you have changed, or else it is a lot harder to help!

The Deities & Demigods Update 2Save safe from v0.9.9.6? Maybe - no if you are playing a lich.

  1. ADDED Faithful and Faithless, and Origins Gods. These mods build on top of the last update, which enabled all classes to pick a deity. Unfortunately, it force defaulted all characters to deities that did not make sense, which has no real gameplay impact but bothers me. Origins Gods assigns an appropriate faith to all playable and recruitable characters (though it is still up to you to make any necessary updates, if Act 2 or Act 3 events causes anyone to change allegiances...)
  2. ADDED Multiclass Preferred Casting Ability. In theory this should fix issues where multiclassing caused a character's "Spellcasting Stat" to be reassigned from what they actually want to use, to whatever their new class is. For example, the classic Sorcerer 19 / Storm Cleric 1 with maxed out Charisma and dumped Wisdom, just trying to get that sweet sweet lightning damage bonus, would also have Wisdom assigned as their "Spellcasting Stat," interfering with things such as scrolls, Illithid powers, or the Infernal Rapier. This should remove tedium with having to plan your multiclasses around ensuring your preferred stat class is chosen last.
  3. ADDED the Caustic Feat, which is like Elemental Adept but for poison damage spells.
  4. ADDED Way of the Astral Self Monk subclass.
  5. ADDED The Lads, Onyx Eye Collection, and Ghouls Custom Piercings.
  6. UPDATED many, many, many mods. Many of these updates include cosmetic mods which have added even more heads and customization options, especially for the playable undead lovers!
  7. POSSIBLY solved the issue that caused some Listonomicon playthroughs to end prematurely due to crashing whenever the game required the dice roll UI. This was possibly caused by the Trade Clutter Begone (TCB) mod, which the author diagnosed as causing save corruptions when unexpectedly dedicated game safeguards tried to force un-delete the vendor trash that TCB tried to delete. This silent battle in the invisible recesses of vendor inventories is why no one could find and destroy corrupted items (as every Reddit help thread said we should try to do). The update to TCB v1.3 promises to have this issue fixed. Moreoever, the mod now uses MCM. BY DEFAULT, there is a large list of junk items which were manually chosen, and will be deleted as soon as a vendor's inventory is closed after sale. This makes it safer to mass dump all of your vendor trash wares, without cluttering vendors too much. However, if you want even less trader clutter, you can enable the deletion of all sold items. CAUTION: Leave the setting enabled to only delete Common-rarity items from vendors, or else if you accidentally sell a magic item to Arron and close the inventory that crafty halfling bastard will hide it forever and force you to reload a save when you realize the Periapt of Wound Healing is actually based and not "some dumb heart necklace who needs healing anyway." Even if you do not plan to update Listo to v0.9.9.7, I would recommend you update this specific mod.
  8. The updates to Ghouls Playable Undeads will break in-progress Lich playthroughs. All other undead should be* fine to update mid playthrough. But in general, mid-playthrough updated is not recommended to most people.
  9. Further tweaked Combat Extender

The Deities & Demigods Update

  1. ADDED Gods Extra, and specific 6 deities from OddCoward which restore cut dialogue and RP opportunities for Bhaal, Jergal, Myrkul, Shar, Silvanus, and Bane's faithful. NOTE this will default all controllable characters to a deity that does not reflect their lore, however you can respec at Withers to an appropriate faith or an appropriate lack of faith.
  2. TWEAKED Combat Extender further, based on actual play testing/running multiple fights against the Phase Spider Matriarch and goblin camp NPCs to ensure that they only have features that their AI and the game can handle and will function as expected. Act 1 enemy Rangers have less access to spells. If you only want these tweaks without updating, check the pinned file in the #cx-xxx-xperimental channel.
  3. ADDED more cosmetics: Ponytail hair styles, Lara Croft-style hair, and a surprise change to everyone's favorite Selunite in Act 3.

The Encounters Gone Wild Magic Update (aka the CXXX Update)

  1. ADDED "Action Resource Passives." This utility mod changes nothing in your game directly, but it is a library of effects that can be used with Combat Extender to further customize enemies.
  2. TWEAKED Combat Extender mod settings HEAVILY. Over 200 lines of json code have been added, spicing up a variety of Act 1, 2, and 3 encounters with never-before-seen twists and dangers. Combined with the d100 Wild Magic Surges mod, this now provides the opportunity for your goblin, fey, mephit, and kuo toa spell casters to trigger a number of random effects. These are not always obvious; be on the look out for the surge VFX and makek sure to inspect enemies to see if they have gotten any crazy buffs - or debuffs! Many Act 1 boss fights have been altered and a few non-boss encounters have been turned into pseudo-boss fights. BE ON YOUR TOES!
  3. REMOVED the physx piercings mod. While I very much like the author's work, the reality is that incompatibility with custom heads means the piercings are just broken options to click through for 90% of the cosmetic options in Listo. This also means Gale Edits was removed as it is no longer needed.
  4. REMOVED the 5e-spells specific portions of the "5e Spells Duration Fixes" mod due to its age and lack of updates/compatibility with the current state of 5e spells.
  5. ADDED Valdacil's Spell Adjustments Vanilla, 5e, and VFX to preserve most of the spell rebalancing ideas. NOTE that this makes several key changes to spells you have be used to behaving a certain way in older Listo versions; make sure to read tooltips carefully!

Safe safe? Very no.

  1. ADDED "Automatically Hide Summons" as a QoL feature.
  2. ADDED "Statue Bless Fix" so your Act 3 gold investment feels less silly.
  3. ADDED "Way of the Long Death" as a monk subclass.
  4. ADDED "Monk 5e Adjustments" as a more modern alternative to Alternate Monk, combined with the changes from Expansion 13-20.
  5. ADDED "Astral" as a half-elf choice to go with astral elves.
  6. ADDED "Wild Magic d100" - this is a test candidate that needs feedback. I don't know if all 80 new wild magic surges work or not so if you do not want to be a gineau pig, you can safely disable this mod before starting a new game. Otherwise expect Wild Magic Barbarian and Sorcerer to get whacky.
  7. ADDED a rising % chance for a wild magic surge to occur for each spell cast in combat.
  8. ADDED several cosmetic mods.
  9. REMOVED Ranger Leather Armor. The armor is aesthetically pleasing but so statistically underwhelming that I don't think anyone has ever bought a set in Listo.
  10. UPDATED Volition Cabinet, and related mods, to the Mod Configuration Menu-empowered version. Hit "Insert" to open the MCM menu when in game. NOTE: Any changes to mod settings is considered changing Listonomicon and will earn you a +custom :)
  11. TWEAKED mod settings across the board.
  12. All enemies will have a little more HP, though not quite to "Stronger Bosses and Enemies" CX config level. Bosses now have an extra bonus action. Enemies have a slight damage buff that scales slightly sooner. Enemy AC scaling has been slightly delayed to scale later. Enemy bonus to hit and stat increases kick in slightly sooner.
  13. Updated mods. Updated updates. So many updates. As I was finishing this update Community Library snuck in a midnight update. ahhhhhh
  14. REPLACED an older spell list sorter mod with a newer spell list sorter mod (which should be more compatible with non-English languages and break less often)
  15. Got my head out of my ass and figured out how to actually include optional mods. All of the old attempt optional mods are gone, what you have now are ultrawide 21:9 UI options. Make sure to disable the corresponding 16:9 mod.

Skipped, all internal testing.

The Big Community Feedback, Cleaning Up Legacy Issues, Changing Outdated Decisions, and Optional Mods UpdateSave safe? No.

  1. REMOVED Cleric Subclasses. Hopefully this mod will receive updates and fixes, or individual cleric class mods will fill in the gap.
  2. REMOVED Alternate Monk Complete. Hopefully this mod will receive updates and fixes, or individual cleric class mods will fill in the gap.
  3. REMOVED PF2e Spells. This is now an "Optional" mod.
  4. REMOVED Legendary Equipment - Class and Armor Sets.
  5. REMOVED Better Autosort Containers. This is now an "Optional" mod. Read below.
  6. ADDED around 14 new cosmetic mods.
  7. ADDED around 8 new gameplay mods - but some of these are optional. Read below.
  8. ADDED Homebrew Spells, to help make up for the loss of PF2e. RIP.
  9. ADDED alternate options for UI mods to better suit ultrawide 21:9 players.
  10. UPDATED Listo mod settings, please re-do this install step as always. It may be safest to nuke the contents of %appdata%/local/larian studios/script extender first to get rid of anything old and no longer needed.
  11. UPDATED Yuuko Shionji's Listonomicon Patch to address a magic item economy inflation issue in AEE.

Listonomicon Now Has "Optional" Mods

Support is not explicitly offered for enabling these mods. Anyone trying to play Multiplayer should probably ignore them to avoid introducing new sources of conflict. For everyone else, this includes:

  1. Re-adding PF2e to the game, for those who can't live without it.
  2. Alternate Dynamic Sidebar options.
  3. 21:9 versions of Better Hotbar and the Party View.
  4. Extending Wild Magic to a d100 table of whacky effects.
  5. Re-adding autosort containers, for those who really like bags.
  6. The older "Spell List Combiner" in case the updated replacement does not work for you.

Optional files should be able to be placed anywhere in your BG3MM load order, with the exception of PF2e spells which must be below Unlock Level Curve and 5e Spells.

Safe safe? No

  1. REMOVED Script Extender as a download in MO2. Please continue to install it manually as per gdoc instructions. Uncomfirmed if this was the problem.
  2. UPDATED Listo mod settings, please re-do this install step. Uncomfirmed if this was the problem.
  3. REMOVED Zhent trader in Act 1 having so many goodies, due to numerous unintended consequences + newer mods better meeting the intent.
  4. Updated a bunch of mods.
  5. DISABLED the monk-specific parts of Level 13-20 Extended, as the relatively comprehensive monk class mod combined with other Listo mods serve most of the same purpose.
  6. Added a new bard-oriented outfit, better hex icons, and shadow sorcerers.

Save safe? Ehh I wouldn't recommend it

The Big Yuuko Update

  1. Incorporated a patch by @yuuko_shionji which moves various dye mods, camp clothes, and other miscellaneous items to Withers and off of vendors. You should no longer be swamped with 30 cosmetics and misc items for sale at Aaron and Damian and every single other vendor. Yuuko doesn't want to upload their patch to nexus themself to get the credit for their work so everyone who is happy to escape the tyranny of cluttered shopkeepers, please thank Yuuko in the Discord.
  2. Added Unlock Level Curve 13-20 expansion. This fills the gap on several vanilla classes/subclasses where Unlock Level Curve has not yet updated to cover features after level 13 (or scaling features after 13). This is a big change to many classes and could be a big swing in performance, please let us know what you encounter and what you think. There is an optional file to disable class features on a per-class basis, but there is no option for more granular control to enable/disable specific class features or changes to class features. Thank you @garrynards for bringing this mod to our attention!
  3. Updated several mods, including one which adds physx to vanilla piercings and also requires a slight edit to Gale's head (and fix to his beard).
  4. Auto junker has been made to play nice with the auto use soap mod, and now cleaning materials will not be treated as junk or thrown away. That being said, make sure to re-apply the steps on installing Listo's mod settings for this update as normal.
  5. Shove, and other attacks that move enemies, now has a slightly adjustable targeting angle! Read about it here We have been waiting for this!!
  6. Took another swing at adjusting enemy HP via Combat Extender. Bosses slightly more, normals the same. Enemy scaling has been altered slightly, please read the updated Listo google doc.

Save safe? Yes

  1. Used Yuuko's better auto junk list to save sponges and cleaning supplies (thanks @yuuko_shionji again).
  2. Removed sell_list.json and replaced with blank one.
  3. Update customized difficulty to x4 prices to actually do what I wanted it to. If you have already started a game, you can adjust this in your custom game difficulty settings manually.
  4. Added Undead Warlock, a class I have had my eye on for a long time but was waiting to receive more updates. Thank you @mattwiththegat for bringing it back to our attention to look at again.
  5. Adjusted the mod order in BG3MM slightly to move the compatibility framework back to the bottom, just in case other changes knocked it into a position where it no longer did its job.

Save safe?: No.

  1. Enemy HP bonuses are reigned in to be ideally half of what they were before.
  2. Removed the acceleration bonus to movement speed (but kept the increased movement speed itself) done
  3. Remove firearms mod
  4. Firework spell has been moved off the basic caster list.
  5. Withers Little Money update: He should now only sell basic supplies and food. Note that any gear sold to him from mods will be stuck in his inventory forever, just like a lot of other shop keepers.
  6. Thanks to @yuuko_shionji I have added tweaks to Dynamic Sidebar to reduce the size of statuses, and to let them wrap into two rows.
  7. Added Faith and Fortitude (Act 1), introducing new Cleric-centric gear throughout Act 1.

Save safe?: No.

  1. Briny Bolt has been moved off of regular casters and is now exclusive to boss fights. I'm sorry for everyone who was blinded trying to find Withers.
  2. Mod settings and the BG3MM are now 1 download. The manual install instructions are still the same (drag and drop to the right places for mod settings, load the .json in BG3MM and hit deploy to game) but there's less places to hunt down files.
  3. 7 mods have been updated.
  4. Better Hotbar 2 has been replaced with BH2 "Vova's Edition." Please let us know what this experience is like. Was the old hotbar better?
  5. XP curve has been finally fixed. This means the update is not save safe as changing XP requirements mid game will break leveling. You will now hit level 3 in the tutorial, and have a slower path to level 20. But with the extra encounters and working level scale, this should mean the level pace is now where Listo wanted it. As always, please provide feedback on this critical area.
  6. Added 1 new gameplay mod (JWL Discordant Instruments), added an achievement enabler, 2 more sets of eyes and 1 hair pack.
  7. We removed all mods by Aether at their request. We thank the many mod authors who have shown support to Listonomicon :)

Save safe?: Probably safe with 0.9.4Updated 8 mods.BIG WITHERS MONEY UPDATE: Withers is now a trader. He has taken several dyes and other clutter out of the inventory of his fellow shopkeepers, and has become the exclusive dealer of some comsetic mods. Three cheers for less cluttered shopping experiences everywhere else.

Save safe?: Probably safe with 0.9.3Updated 7 mods.Added several new races from Fantastic Multiverses. Updating mod settings due to the related mods adding new features. Added smart cunning action and invisibility movement fix. More cosmetics.

Save Safe?: ABSOLUTELY NOTUpdated 15 mods.Updated mod settings to now properly apply CX level scaling for enemies, helping Listo achieve the advertised and intended difficulty curve!Absolutely not save safe due to removing Aether's Obliterate. Trying to load a save that references now missing data (gear, equipment, spells, etc) will bork your game.

Save Safe?: NOApologies for lack of notes but these version numbers were used for internal testing only.

Save Safe?: NO

This is the initial, beta release candidate for Listonomicon.

It is not considered a final product, but it is ready for playtesting in a larger group than just the two authors. If you are interested in providing feedback and helping us on the road to 1.0, we believe Listo is already an envigorating experience! The list currently has Aether's Obliterate enabled as a dev testing speed tool as well as a final solution if you run into any hard progress errors (such as fights causing a game crash). We recommend you remove the two spells automatically added to your hotbar, or disable the mod in Mod Organizer if you cannot resist the temptation to cheat. Once a game starts with the mod enabled, however, it must be left enabled and you will just have to ignore the temptation of power.

Change Log and Release Notes | Boneyard Creations (2024)
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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.